By way of celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary, we went with Chris and Mark to Rhodes. It was an ‘all inclusive’ package, and we didn’t know quite what to expect, however it was great. We stayed at Kolombia beach, which was a ‘resort’. (See map at the bottom of the page). We hadn’t realised what a ‘resort’ was, but it soon became clear that it was a group of hotels near the beach, without any local village or town nearby. It was a small shame, as we had anticipated going into the local town in the evening and mooching around and having a drink and a meal. However, the food in the hotel was excellent, and the beach, although a short walk away, and a bit pebbly was also good.

What made the week, was that the english tour guide suggested that we book early for the three excursions that we had allocated  with the trip, so as not to be disappointed. It was a good move. We did a boat trip to the nearby island of Simi which was beautiful – all the houses on the hillside facing the bay were all terracotta and looked quite Italian. We also went to Lindos. On the way back we jumped of the boat and swam in the sea.

Later in the week, we spent a day looking round the old town in Rhodes, which was fascinating.

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